2 men sitting on a bench 2 men sitting on a bench
2 women talking

bipolar I
disorder with
your loved one

Starting a conversation about BPI might seem difficult. However, there are strategies you can use to facilitate communication and support their treatment journey.

  • Remember that not everyone has the same needs. Try not to be patronizing or overprotective.
  • Determine how involved you need to be. Consider the level of support you can realistically provide. If possible, mention to your loved one that you would like to help, but do not want to be intrusive.
  • Keep the lines of communication open. Having conversations about bipolar I disorder early on may help you and your loved one manage their condition.
    • Invite your loved one to share their thoughts and feelings about their illness. Be open and listen to what they have to say.
    • Ask your loved one what you can do to help in circumstances when they are feeling overwhelmed.
    • Lean on your loved one’s psychiatrist. They will encourage your loved one to actively participate in their own treatment planning and share in decision-making.
  • Help them deal with disappointment. Patients with bipolar I disorder may experience frustration if they have relapsed, for example. You can support them by listening, encouraging them to stay hopeful and reminding them that bipolar relapse was not their fault.
  • Stay calm. If your loved one is going through bipolar relapse, it is best to communicate calmly and avoid emotional reactions, such as raising your voice.

Is this a bipolar relapse?

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